Submit your files : 예선을 위한 동영상및 요약된 발표 자료를 보내는 방법
Contestants must submit an Executive Summaries of their business Plans or Analysis as well as a video pitch of the concept by Aug 18, 2013 by email to [email protected] .
1) The video pitch should explain and describe your concept in any manner your team chooses. And it must be in wmv, avi or mp4 format and no longer than 2 minutes.
2) All Business Plans or Analysis must not exceed A4 3 pages in doc, docx or pdf format.
3) Contestant’s participating category must be indicated when submit.
How to send a big video file:
1) wetransfer : Send it via to [email protected]
2) dropbox : Share your folder that contains the files with 'Sharing' function to [email protected]
Contestants must submit an Executive Summaries of their business Plans or Analysis as well as a video pitch of the concept by Aug 18, 2013 by email to [email protected] .
1) The video pitch should explain and describe your concept in any manner your team chooses. And it must be in wmv, avi or mp4 format and no longer than 2 minutes.
2) All Business Plans or Analysis must not exceed A4 3 pages in doc, docx or pdf format.
3) Contestant’s participating category must be indicated when submit.
How to send a big video file:
1) wetransfer : Send it via to [email protected]
2) dropbox : Share your folder that contains the files with 'Sharing' function to [email protected]
FAQ - 자주 묻는 질문에 대한 답변입니다.
Q: What language should be used for the challenge ?
A: Either Korean or English will be Ok.
예선자료나 본선발표는 한국말이나 영어를 사용하면 됩니다.
Q: All contestants must be an Australian Permanent Resident ?
A: No, but one of the team member has to be stayed in Australia since 1st of June 2013.
팀원중 한명이라도 6월1일 이전부터 호주에서 생활하고 있었으면 출전 가능합니다.
Q: All team members must do the presentation in final round?
A: Not necessary but all finalist team must be present with all team members at the time for the final round.
모든 팀원이 발표를 할 필요는 없지만 발표장에는 출석하여야 합니다.
더 궁금한 점은 message 나 email로 문의 바랍니다.
Q: What language should be used for the challenge ?
A: Either Korean or English will be Ok.
예선자료나 본선발표는 한국말이나 영어를 사용하면 됩니다.
Q: All contestants must be an Australian Permanent Resident ?
A: No, but one of the team member has to be stayed in Australia since 1st of June 2013.
팀원중 한명이라도 6월1일 이전부터 호주에서 생활하고 있었으면 출전 가능합니다.
Q: All team members must do the presentation in final round?
A: Not necessary but all finalist team must be present with all team members at the time for the final round.
모든 팀원이 발표를 할 필요는 없지만 발표장에는 출석하여야 합니다.
더 궁금한 점은 message 나 email로 문의 바랍니다.
About Calling NVC (Calling New Venture Challenge)
콜링맨(CBA, Calling Businessman Association)이 주최하는 2013 벤쳐창업 경연대회 (The Calling New Venture Challenge 2013)는 한국인 청년들의 사업가 기질을 발굴하고 발휘하게 하여 이들이 기성 사업가및 자본가와 연결할 기회와 자문 제공을 통해 성공적인 사업가로 성장할수 있도록 후원하여 한국인의 위상을 높이는데 기여할 기회를 만들어 줌을 목적으로 합니다.
진행방법 / 2013일정
대 상: 한국인 청년을 포함한 팀 또는 개인
광 고: 언론매체및 online에 공고 / 7월 1일
예선 접수: 7월15일 ~ 8월18일
경연 부문: A. Business 분석 부문 B. New venture 창업부문
(부분별로 심사 기준은 다르나 평가는 부문과 무관)
예선 심사: 벤쳐아이디어(창업부문)및 발표내용(분석부문)을 주최측에 제출
예선 발표: 주최측은 본선진출팀을 선정하여 통보 / 8월 30일
결선 경연: 9월21일 오후 3시-6시
결선 장소: UTS (University of Technology Sydney) City Campus
Ground Floor CB01, Lecture Theatre (CB01.04.06)
Address : 15 Broadway Ultimo NSW
결선 발표: 결선 경연 직후 우승 한팀과 본선진출 팀들에 대한 시상
결선 심사위원:
- Alex Kim : Business Banking Manager / National Australia Bank
- Daniel Hong : Executive Business Analyst / Macquarie Bank
- Gi-Hyun Shin : Senior Lecturer / UNSW
- Joong-Ha Hwang : Director General / Korea Business Centre Sydney(KOTRA)
- Jaehu Shim : PhD in Entrepreneurship / Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research, Queensland University of Technology Business School
포상내용: 우승 1팀에게 $2000, 인기상 1팀 $1000 과 본선진출팀 $300 과 함께 Certificate 와 트로피외 각각 수여됩니다.
부문별 심사기준
I. New Venture 창업 부문
개 요 : 새로운 비즈니스의 구상, 실현방법과 가치를 형식에 구애없이 발표
심사기준 : 창의성, Research, 현실성, Presentation 등
II. Business 분석 부문 (내가 CEO 라면..)
개 요 : 자신의 독창적인 비즈니스 아이디어를 CEO적 관점에서 재 구성하여 형식에 구애없이 발표하거나, 기존 기업을 분석하고 자신이 해당 기업의 CEO의 입장에서 새로운 경영 방안을 발표를 통해 제시
심사기준 : 창의성, Research, 흥미도 & 응원, Presentation 등
아래 파일은 기타 자세한 내용과 예선 접수 양식 입니다.
예선 접수시, 아래 예선 접수 양식(application_form_2013-1.docx)을 함께 제출해 주십시오.
calling_nvc-eng_kor_rev4.1.pdf | |
File Size: | 727 kb |
File Type: |
application_form_2013-1.docx | |
File Size: | 77 kb |
File Type: | docx |
The Calling Businessman Association ( 콜링맨 ) is presenting and organising the Calling New Venture Challenge 2013 that allows young Koreans in Australia the opportunity to express their entrepreneurship through one of the following two categories;
•Category A : Business Analysis and Proposition
The businesses that contestants are analysing can be any of existing, failed and historical businesses for example Apple, BHP, Kodak, Venetian merchants, or such. The contestants must research their strategies, decision makings, market changes, innovations, factors behind their success and failing with new directions for the business.
'What would you do if you were the CEO of the business?'
•Category B : New Venture Plan
Contestants must develop a new venture business idea and plan and submit a set of completed business plans and presentation.
'What would you do if you were given an opportunity to access a venture capital for a new business?'
Application : Jul 15, 2013 ~ Aug 18, 2013
Result announcement : Aug 30, 2013
Final presentation : 3PM-6PM EST Sep 21, 2013
Venue : UTS (University of Technology Sydney) City Campus
Ground Floor CB01, Lecture Theatre (CB01.04.06)
Address : 15 Broadway Ultimo NSW
Judges (Final)
Alex Kim : Business Banking Manager / National Australia Bank
Daniel Hong : Executive Business Analyst / Macquarie Bank
Gi-Hyun Shin : Senior Lecturer / UNSW
Joong-Ha Hwang : Director General / Korea Business Centre Sydney(KOTRA)
Jaehu Shim : PhD in Entrepreneurship / Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research, Queensland University of Technology Business School
Award and Prize
Winner : Certificate and $2,000 (1 team)
Popularity Award : Certificate and $1,000 (1 team)
Finalist : Certificate and $300 (4 teams)
•Category A : Business Analysis and Proposition
The businesses that contestants are analysing can be any of existing, failed and historical businesses for example Apple, BHP, Kodak, Venetian merchants, or such. The contestants must research their strategies, decision makings, market changes, innovations, factors behind their success and failing with new directions for the business.
'What would you do if you were the CEO of the business?'
•Category B : New Venture Plan
Contestants must develop a new venture business idea and plan and submit a set of completed business plans and presentation.
'What would you do if you were given an opportunity to access a venture capital for a new business?'
Application : Jul 15, 2013 ~ Aug 18, 2013
Result announcement : Aug 30, 2013
Final presentation : 3PM-6PM EST Sep 21, 2013
Venue : UTS (University of Technology Sydney) City Campus
Ground Floor CB01, Lecture Theatre (CB01.04.06)
Address : 15 Broadway Ultimo NSW
Judges (Final)
Alex Kim : Business Banking Manager / National Australia Bank
Daniel Hong : Executive Business Analyst / Macquarie Bank
Gi-Hyun Shin : Senior Lecturer / UNSW
Joong-Ha Hwang : Director General / Korea Business Centre Sydney(KOTRA)
Jaehu Shim : PhD in Entrepreneurship / Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research, Queensland University of Technology Business School
Award and Prize
Winner : Certificate and $2,000 (1 team)
Popularity Award : Certificate and $1,000 (1 team)
Finalist : Certificate and $300 (4 teams)
Submit your files :
Contestants must submit an Executive Summaries of their business Plans or Analysis as well as a video pitch of the concept by Aug 18, 2013 by email to [email protected] .
1) The video pitch should explain and describe your concept in any manner your team chooses. And it must be in wmv, avi or mp4 format and no longer than 2 minutes.
2) All Business Plans or Analysis must not exceed A4 3 pages in doc, docx or pdf format.
3) Contestant’s participating category must be indicated when submit.
How to send a big video file:
1) wetransfer : Send it via to [email protected]
2) dropbox : Share your folder that contains the files with 'Sharing' function to [email protected] .
Contestants must submit an Executive Summaries of their business Plans or Analysis as well as a video pitch of the concept by Aug 18, 2013 by email to [email protected] .
1) The video pitch should explain and describe your concept in any manner your team chooses. And it must be in wmv, avi or mp4 format and no longer than 2 minutes.
2) All Business Plans or Analysis must not exceed A4 3 pages in doc, docx or pdf format.
3) Contestant’s participating category must be indicated when submit.
How to send a big video file:
1) wetransfer : Send it via to [email protected]
2) dropbox : Share your folder that contains the files with 'Sharing' function to [email protected] .
Please download following document for full details. Application form shall be submitted together with your application.
아래 파일은 기타 자세한 내용과 예선 접수 양식 입니다.
예선 접수시 예선 접수 양식(application_form_2013-1.docx)을 함께 제출해 주십시오.
아래 파일은 기타 자세한 내용과 예선 접수 양식 입니다.
예선 접수시 예선 접수 양식(application_form_2013-1.docx)을 함께 제출해 주십시오.
calling_nvc-eng_kor_rev4.1.pdf | |
File Size: | 727 kb |
File Type: |
application_form_2013-1.docx | |
File Size: | 131 kb |
File Type: | docx |